What is a Stroller?

Strollers and buggies: understanding the basics
So, before we look at how to shop your stroller, we wanted to cover some basic questions a lot of new parents have.
What’s the difference between a stroller and a buggy?
In all honesty, nothing. Buggy and stroller are terms that are often used interchangeably, but refer to the same thing: a small, lightweight, and compact pushchair.
Why do I need a stroller?
If you’re in the market for a stroller, then it’s usually for one of two reasons. Either your child is getting bigger and starting to walk more independently, so you’re looking for a lighter pushchair to transport when not in use, or you’re planning a trip away and need a compact pushchair for travelling. In either instance, a stroller is ideal as the light, compact frame can easily be carried or stored away when on a plane or bus.
When should I upgrade to a stroller?
This depends on what you need your stroller for – you might want to purchase one to downsize from a larger pushchair as your child starts to walk more often. Or you may purchase one earlier as a lighter, smaller option for holidays.
Find out more, read our When to upgrade your pushchair blog.
What features do strollers have?
The major feature of a stroller is usually it’s smaller, compact size and shape. However, most strollers come with a lot of the same features as a standard pushchair. This includes:
• Comfortable seat unit
• Swivel wheels and locking break
• Protective sun visor
• Reclining seat
• Breathable fabrics and/or air vents
• Footrest
• Safety harness
• Chest and crotch pads
Other features will vary depending on the manufacturer and models, but we have some top tips below to help you figure out exactly what you need from your stroller.

How to shop a stroller
Sometimes shopping for a stroller can be tricky, especially if you’re a little unsure what you want. Well, we can help with a few suggestions to help you narrow down your options.
Think about your budget
Above everything, your budget is going to dictate what you buy, so think about how much you’re willing to spend. From here, you can start to narrow down your options.
How compact should it be?
Once you have a budget, then you need to think about size and space – is this stroller for travelling abroad or is it to replace a larger, chunkier pushchair? Either way, you need to consider the space it will take up. If you’re jetsetting, you’ll want a stroller that’s small enough to be folder away on long-haul flights, maybe one that fits in the overhead storage. If you want it for everyday use, you need to make sure it fits in your car or doesn’t take up space on public transport.
How you use it
As with pushchair shopping, you need to consider what you do. If you love going on long hikes, then look for a stroller designed for all-terrains. If you’re more of a shop till you drop sort, then a lighter, more compact buggy that’s suitable for busy streets is the one you want. Think about how you will use your stroller and find features to match.
Safe strolling
As with all baby products, you’ll want to be sure that it does the job, but mainly you want to know your little one is safe. When you’re sticking to a strict budget, it can be easy to make price the focus – but don’t forget to check out safety standards and reviews.
If you’re looking at big-name strollers, check the customer reviews, look for information on product safety standards and testing, and – most importantly – speak to your friends to find out what they recommend. Safety specifications can bring you peace of mind, but nothing beats a personal recommendation from someone you trust.
Compare your choices
So, you’ve thought about budget, use and size – so now you’ll have a good idea of the sort of stroller you need. And more importantly, the ones you don’t. Your selection will have narrowed down considerably, so you can start to get into the nitty gritty and compare your options.
At this point, it’s worth looking at the features in more detail. Depending on whether you go for cheap and cheerful or something more specific, you can compare the additional features. Some of these features may be high up your list of priorities, while others are just a bonus. Either way, by reviewing what each stroller has to offer, you can start to identify which ones offer real value for money.
Stroller bundles from Ickle Bubba
So, now you know a little more about strollers and how to shop them, let’s look at our range of stroller bundles. At Ickle Bubba, our stroller bundles to help you find the perfect travel companion, along with some handy travel accessories.
Our stroller bundles come in three types: Standard, Max and Prime. Let’s look at them in a little more detail.
Standard stroller bundle
This is the basic stroller bundle, covering the essentials. It’s an ideal solution if you’re sticking to a budget or simply using your stroller for short, simple journeys. The Standard stroller bundle includes your stroller and a coordinating rain cover. Your stroller will include all the great features you want from it, while the additional rain cover will all you to make those quick journeys even when it’s pouring down.
Max bundle
If you’re looking for a stroller bundle that offers something a little more, then the Max bundle is a great option. The Max bundle includes the stroller, a rain cover and a convertible seat liner and footmuff, which can keep baby comfortably cool in summer and add some additional layering in the colder months. The bundle also includes a cup holder, so mum or dad can keep their travel coffee close by for that mid-walk caffeine hit.
Prime stroller bundle
If you’re shopping for a stroller and looking for something that offers the same level of comfort and accessories as a full-sized travel system, but in a small model, our Prime stroller bundle is the only choice for you.
The Prime bundle includes the stroller, rain cover, convertible seat liner and footmuff, and a cup holder, but it also includes some additional extras to make travelling a little easier. The bundle features a buggy organiser, which is a handy pouch that can be attached to the handlebars to store all those little essentials like phone, keys, purse, etc. Not only that but Prime comes with a protective storage bag, which is just what you need for trips away. You can fold your buggy down
That’s all folks! Hopefully now you feel ready to tackle that pushchair upgrade. Just remember to think about why you need a stroller and find the features to match, then it’s simply a case of choosing a bundle to suit you.
At Ickle Bubba, our strollers are designed to deliver the same level of style and comfort as our full-sized pushchairs, all one in compact pretty package.