How to Clean a Car Seat

Did you know, little one’s are legally required to use a car seat from that first trip home from the hospital, until they reach 12 years. That’s a long time. So, it’s good to know how to look after your car seat. We’ve pulled together some top tips to help keep your infant carrier clean.

Cleaning an Ickle Bubba car seat

So, let’s get started. This section covers how to keep your Ickle Bubba car seat clean, from how often to how best to remove dirt…

How often should I clean my car seat?

Your car seat is a very important baby accessory – not only because it gets your child from A to B and back again, but because it keeps them safe in the process. Therefore, it’s important to keep it clean and tidy to prevent anything from impacting its effectiveness. We recommend giving your car seat a clean once a month to ensure it’s always at its best.

Understanding your car seat

A car seat is made up of several sections, including:

• Car seat fabric

• Newborn or junior seat inserts

• Additional crotch and chest pads

• Other padding or comfort features such as head-hugging pillows

• Car seat shell

Each of these sections will have different guidelines for cleaning so always refer to the User Manual to see if it requires any specific methods of cleaning.

Cleaning your car seat fabric

Most car seats come with a removable cover that fits around the car seat shell. In most cases, these can be removed by simply peeling them off the car seat frame. This can then be washed by hand with soap and warm water.

Make sure to avoid all abrasive cleaners or bleaches and do not tumble dry your seat cover as this could prevent it from fitting correctly. Always check the car seat manual to make sure the seat cover can be removed.

Removing the car seat cover

To remove your car seat cover:

1. Remove the shoulder harness

2. Gently pull the fabric cover off the car seat shell, separating the two

3. Make sure not to remove any foam padding

Re-fitting the car seat cover

To refit the car seat cover:

1. Stretch the cover over the car seat shell

2. Make sure the ends fit snugly

3. Refasten the shoulder harness strap under the shell

Cleaning seat inserts

Check whether your seat insets are removable or not – in most cases they are as they allow you to adapt the seat size as your child grows. Follow the user manual for thorough cleaning instructions, it might be possible to machine was them at a low temperature (around 30oC) with a non-abrasive detergent. Alternatively, you should be able to wipe them down with a damp sponge and warm soapy water then let them dry naturally.

Cleaning the car seat safety harness

To clean the safety harness, simply wipe it down with a damp cloth, making sure no water gets into the buckle. Never remove the pull strap or harnesses from their fixings.

Cleaning the car seat shell

The car seat shell is the solid frame that the fabric and seat attach to. This part of your car seat will not require much cleaning. In the event it gets dirty, you can simply wipe it down with a damp cloth.

Drying your car seat fabrics

Let your car seat fabrics dry naturally, do not use a tumbler dryer. Keep them away from direct sources of heat, such as radiators and fires.

How to clean a car seat hood

If your car seat hood is not removeable, you can simply wipe it clean with a sponge and some warm soapy water. Make sure the water does not drip onto the safety harness or moving parts, but if it does then dry quickly with a towel.

Maintaining and repairing your car seat

So, that’s the cleaning done with, but what do you do if your car seat is damaged or broken? In this section, we’ve covered some FAQs from parents.

How to maintain your car seat

It’s important to regularly inspect your car seat to make sure it’s still up to the job at hand. Give your car seat a visual once over every time you use it, make sure all safety harnesses and seat belt or ISOFIX connections are properly installed and secure.

Check for signs of wear and tear on the car seat shell and the seat fabric. The car seat shell is designed to withstand impact but it’s important that you make sure there are no signs of damage that could worsen over time.

Maintaining your safety harness

As you check your car seat for signs of wear and tear, it’s important to look at your safety harness. It’s always important to make sure:

• The buckle still fastens securely

• The clasps cannot be easily opened by your child

• The safety harness straps aren’t twisted

• Straps haven’t incurred any damage that has causes tearing or fraying

If you find that any of these problems appear, consult your manufacturer to see if the car seat is still safe to use. It may be that you can purchase replacements parts.

What to do if your car seat is damaged

If your car seat is damaged or becomes impaired in a collision, you need to review whether it is still safe to use or not. As a car seat is classed as an important piece of safety equipment and is required by law, then you need to be sure that is can still function properly.

If you are concerned that damage will prevent any functions on your car seat, then consult your manufacturer immediately to find out whether it is safe to use or not.

Remember not all damage is visible – if your car seat has been involved in an accident, it may have incurred damage to its structural integrity. This is why it is not recommended that you buy second hand car seats. While the seat itself may appear in good quality, you cannot be sure what damage has been incurred previously.

At Ickle Bubba, we would recommend investing in a new car seat, in the event of a collision. If you can’t be sure either way, give our Customer Care team a call and we will help however we can.


So, now you know how to keep your car seat clean and tidy. Not only will this feel better, but it will bring you peace of mind, knowing that it’s still up to the job of protecting your precious cargo. Regular cleaning and maintenance checks are the best way to ensure it’s always ready to go.

Don’t forget to check out our range of car seats!

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