Father’s Day: Top Tips for Celebrating

Father’s Day is on the way, and if you’re stuck for a littleinspiration, we thought we’d share some of our top tips for things to do andways to celebrate.
Breakfast in bed
Start your Father’s Day the right way and enjoy a littlebreakfast in bed. Always a great option, especially if every is feeling alittle tired from late night feeds. All get snuggled in together and enjoy somespecial breakfast treats.
Make your own gifts
While we’re sure every dad would love whatever you got them,don’t over think it. They’ll just be happy to get something personal from yourlittle one – so why not save yourself some money and make your own gifts –finger painted cards or a framed hand print are a great way to mark your baby’sprogress and personalise it for day. You could even go the whole hog and create your own decorations…
Here are some top homemade gift ideas:
• Hand drawn card
• Finger paintings
• Framed handprint
• Framed picture of dad and baby
• Collage of photos
• Father's Day cake or buns
• Lego models

Father’s days out
A trip our can be a great way to mark a day like this. Youcan go big and exciting, like a trip to the zoo or keep things a little smallerwith a walk out to your local park. It all depends on what you enjoy and howbig your little one is, but here are a few suggestions for days out with bubbaand dad…
• Picnic in the park
• Trip to the seaside
• Visiting relatives (don’t forget your dads…)
• Walk in the countryside
• Baby and parent events or groups
• Local fun days or fairs
• Trip to the swimming baths
• Book a mini-break
Fathers days In
Of course, you don’t have to go anywhere. Life with a little one can be very frantic with lots of places to go and people desperate to see your newborn, so don’t be scared to take the day off. Spending time at home, as a family, without any outside distractions can sometimes be just wat you need.
Plus, if you stay home, you can do all the things you love – cuddling, playing, sleeping (fingers crossed) and lots more besides. While you may want to go all out with the celebrations, don’t overlook the simple pleasures of just staying in…
Dad and baby activities
The weekend is a perfect chance for dad and baby to catch up on some much needed time together, and Father’s Day is no different. Some great dad and baby activities include:
• Playing
• Tickling
• Reading
• Going for a walk together
• Cooking/baking together
• Dancing
• Bath time
• Being out in the garden
• Jigsaws or puzzles
• Watching a film together
So, these are our top tips for ways to celebrate Father’s Day. If you have any great plans don’t forget to share them with us on our social channels, we love to see how new parents celebrate these first big milestones. Whatever you dads decide to do, make sure you have a brilliant day and make time for you and your little one.
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